Soy Clara, para todos Laly, este es mi pequeño espacio. Todo lo que vean aca me representa, soy todo esto y un poco mas. Amo a mis amigos y a mi familia sobre todas las cosas. Doy todo por las personas que realmente aprecio. Amo el arte, en todas sus formas. Me gusta pintar y dibujar. La mayoria del tiempo escucho musica y miro peliculas. GREEN DAY OCUPA CASI TODO EN MI VIDA. Son lo que me da fuerza cuando yo no la tengo y me hacen explotar de alegria SIEMPRE... Shaila ♥, mi otra pasion, gran banda argentina formada por grandes seres humanos que invitan a la reflexion y a pensar en el mundo que vivimos.

Si no conoces como soy es porque no me intereso que lo hicieras. Fuck Off & Die.

Let's leave no words unspoken and save regrets for the broken ♪.

martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

There are places i'll remember
all my life, though some have changed
some forever, not for better
some have gone and some remain
all this places have their moments
with lovers and friends i still can recall
some are dead and some are living
in my life, i've loved them all
But of all these friends and lovers
there is no one compares with you
and these memories lose their meaning
when i think of love as something new
though i know i'll never lose affection
for people and things that went before
i know i'll often stop and think about them
in my life, i love you more
Though i know i'll never lose affection
for people and things that went before
i know i'll often stop and think about them
in my life, i love you more

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